Sunday, May 2, 2010

New Rules in A New Economy

Americans are competing in a different world in an economic sense and it's a little scary, is it not? We changed the world economically a few hundred years ago and we can do it again!

Well, as I've heard thrown around, knowledge is power. So, if you understand the rules better on how to change your personal economy, it might be more likely that you'll find the success you want faster.

Here's a pretty interesting article that kind of gives some basic & fundamental ideas on what we all might try to incorporate into our new fiscal lifestyles. "7 New Rules For Getting Ahead" just makes you think about what you can do amid the chaos.

One of the things I'm most grateful of is that I'm an entrepreneur, so a paycheck has a different meaning to me. I appreciate and love all those who have chosen the 9-5 lifestyle, however, I consider it part of the privilege as an American to not wonder whether or not I will be outsourced, downsized, right-sized or just plain old laid-off. It's part of the creative process of life and being part of something awesome as well as the chance to make your life the one you really want to live.

I hope something in this article is helpful to you and encourage everyone to reach out to one of your favorite entrepreneurs and find out whether it's worth it to explore your options.

After all, it's about you, isn't you?
