Monday, November 23, 2009

A Tech Post from Techno-challenged User

Just saw this post and since it's holiday time and lots of people use computers for just about everything, I thought I'd say a little something.

I am admittedly a techno-idiot; what I can do on the computer is through the careful tutelage of my daughter, over the years, starting back to when she was in nursery school. So, if I know anything at all, it's because I've learned who to ask the right questions!

Now, with that said, I just read this about reliability of laptops and, of course, who doesn't want their money spent wisely? We want the best bang for the buck, so to speak, right?

It looks like Toshiba and Asus are head of the list on reliability, while some big names are very low on that list. Here's the article and I hope it helps someone make a great purchase and have an awesome experience: "1 in 3 laptops die in first three years".

Comments are always welcome and Happy Holidays!


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