Monday, January 4, 2010

Best of 2009

Happy New Year to you!

Most of the things we are focused on right now is what we're all going to get right this year, would you agree? Lose weight, save more money, read more books, travel, etc. Have you ever thought about what you got right last year?

I recently read a post that made me think a little differently about things and where I am today. that post was written by a life coach who didn't feel authentic in her professional life because of where she was.

Through some of the life coach's list of things she was challenged by in 2009, it really became clear how much we think, or more exactly, how little we think of the past year. Let's face it, we all had some challenges in the last year or so and vowed never to go through another year like the past one again, right?

How about reflecting on how much you grew through the adversity you may have faced? You're here to read this, correct? Or, how you found out what was really, truly important when it came down to the wire when you needed to protect it?

You probably learned some new skills along the way to deal with a different kind of economy, too. Let's be honest enough to say to ourselves we had to live in different world, most of us, anyway, and we came through it with a new sense of who we are, what we can do and things we can do better than ever before!

While it may be your New Year plan for 2010 to focus on things we may not have accomplished in 2009, that last year of the decade was indeed a valuable year. For me, it changed a lot of things and got me more focused on growing my business, and, where I wanted to be on the planet. It gave me a deeper definition of who I want to be; now I have more understanding of who I am.

Let us not throw 2009 out so quickly without looking at the year of change you lived and the strength and resolve it will fuel this year. What valuable gifts and lessons we accumulated and, I for one, am deeply grateful to have received them.

I hope you are too!

To everyone - Live, Love and Laugh deeply!


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