Sunday, March 21, 2010

Middle Class Shrinking? Nonsense!

Happy Spring! The temperatures are warmer and we get more sunshine to enjoy...I am so ready for that! Plant some flowers, spruce up the backyard for those summer afternoons, get ready for family get-togethers...

But as usual, the media must point out how hard life is for those of us who already had a general idea, in this US New & World Report article: "7 Stressors Sapping the Middle Class".

I provided the link to the article only because of the last paragraph: "The winners will be those who learn how to adapt, expect nobody to give them anything, and are prepared to work harder in the future than they did in the past. That's how it was in America before anybody ever heard of the middle class, and it may be that way for a while again. The real middle class--the true bedrock of the nation--will be able to handle it."

I've seen more people over the last few months come through my business refusing to adopt a new mindset of adapting to the new economy. We started out as a nation of owners, not workers, wanting freedom and not slavery. But, we were convinced, en masse, that we should work for someone else. Even our public school model supports the "get a good education, get a good job" model. There are fewer good jobs than ever and, with increases in the level of technology, we should expect it to continue.

The Solution? Start being creative! If you are in a job working under your income expectations, create another stream of income! You can own a business and work for someone else to get your income on a healthier level. Don't sniff at the opportunities that may be available to might have to give up the "Family Guy" every week...but you'd have to do that anyway if you worked another 20 hours on the weekend.

The moral of the story: Don't get stressed coz you're underemployed, get excited! You may now have the ability and time to explore your passions as a means of creating a better income!

An email or comment is always welcome!

Live and Love Deeply!


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy Women's History Month!

We have come a long way, baby! Just knowing there were some truly strong, fabulous women who stand out in history like Eleanor Roosevelt, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Juliet Lowe and thousands of others, keeps on inspiring me to be the best I can be.

However, we still make statements that convey our underlying fear that we, as a group, still cannot make decisions that are important to us. Just the other day, while sitting down with a client who taking the first step to creating her wealth accumulation plan, said she didn't have a husband to make the decisions for her.

Ladies!!! This is not acceptable in any way! We live longer and manage the household and WE STILL believe men are the only humans who can make financial decisions????

Your well-being is important now and later. If you are married, you and your partner should be actively engaged in making sure YOU BOTH have an adequate life plan for now and later. And, if you haven't yet tied the knot, you should have a life plan that takes into consideration that you still have a present and a future with or without a husband.

Please take the time to consider your life and all the fabulous things you give to this world as a woman and know how precious your contribution is to everyone you touch. Take care of yourself first: you can't save the person next to you on the plane unless you take the oxygen mask first!

If you want a little help on getting started on your financial gameplan, you can always contact me at: and I can help you find a personal finance coach near you!

As always, send me a comment, concern or suggestion anytime.

Live, Love and Laugh Deeply!
