Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Making the right choice with your finances?

We've all heard the news and read the headlines so it does not bear repeating here. Now we all need to take action to make a few changes in how we think about money and how to use it.

As a financial professional , I've had people tell me that they are in good shape and have a plan for the future. "I've got a 401k for retirement and I have no debt! I'm good!" is what they generally mean which I also know not to be the case for most folks. A few minutes of conversation asking the right questions always reveals the actual situation. Most of us don't understand money, never mind what the options are or what they mean to us.

Now, what I mean to say is simply this - your financial choices may not be bad decisions but they may not be the right ones for you! Taking advice from a source not familiar with your personality and financial ability could take you to a place you had no intention of going.

Here's an article for you to illustrate this "6 Financial Moves That Sound Good But Aren't". The most important thing you must decide when you are faced with a financial choice is whether it will provide you with the result you desire.

Remember, there are things not within your control that may affect how things turn out. It is always best to maintain balance and, if you are unsure about what to do, consult your financial adviser to get an objective opinion.

Hope this helps and we'll post something soon for you with the holiday season just round the bend!
