Wednesday, February 25, 2009

All A-Twitter! What are you doing?

Hi Tweeple! For anyone not familiar, it's the new language for all those of us who have entered the cyberzone of using Twitter. If you "google" for Twitter, you will find lots of sources of information on Twitter, how to use it and all the add-ons for it!

There are people who devote whole days to making videos and selling e-courses on how to utilize Twitter to its potential. I'm a newbie user even though I've had an account for about 18 months. I never used it since I didn't understand what it was or why I should use it. Then, Facebook happened and I started making friends with a lot people and many of them in the Internet Marketing business. And, I found I couldn't market on Facebook! Hmmm, what do I do next? Well, I have all these new relationships on FB, let me see where they go to get new opportunities.

Now, Facebook is a true social media site with the emphasis on "social". What I mean is this: marketing your products or your opportunity on Facebook is just rude! Perry Belcher, a social media guru, says we need to "treat social media like going to a party at someone's home". Introduce yourself, ask the other person questions about them, etc.; you know the drill. So, that is the Facebook experience, and, Twitter is so different from that. So, I learned from my new friends, Twitter is the place where I want to be to reach the largest group of people I can.
You only have the ability to communicate in what I call Twitbites...140 characters or less. You actually want to communicate in less than 120 for what is called "re-tweeting". Re-Tweeting is the action of sending out an original message with you id on it so it gains wider visibility. If you use 120 characters or less, it allows room for comments and/or the re-Tweeters id.

Wider visibility? Do you know there are people with over tens of thousands of followers? You can end up in any group of followers by just clicking a simple button! You can follow only your friends, you follow only people in your industry, or, (and this is where tweeting becomes sweet!) in your market! In the Twitterverse, you build up relationships a lot faster and, if you provide some worthy and valuable content, you can introduce your product/service to your followers. There are many things you can do to pick up followers and one I've found most effective and ethical so far, I've been using to my advantage. Open your Twitter account (President Obama used this in his campaign!) and try this link: Brand New Twitter Technique That Not Even The So-Called Guru's Are Aware Of... Are You Using Them? I wish you all happy tweeting in the Twittersphere! Other useful links:

Ta-Ta for now, Tweeple~


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