Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

We all have heard the saying "you'll get plenty of sleep later when you're dead", right? Means you're not working or you're just lazy and doesn't leave you with the warm fuzzies if you just want to get a good night's sleep...

The lack of sleep is taking a toll on our bodies' health and ability to perform at peak levels so we might want to forget that old maxim and catch up on a few zzzz's to make our lives better!

It costs more than just short-changing ourselves on rest: it increases the cost of health care, the ability to make money, quality of life with our families, just to name a few big things.

If you're a chronic sufferer from indigestion, colds, fatigue, stress, you may not be getting enough sleep and not resting while you do sleep.

I came across this article in the Wall Street Journal that I believe gives us great insight into the topic and truly worth the read: "When Sleep Leaves You Tired" (June 9, 2009).

You might want to alter some of your activities to just simply allow yourself some snooze time and enjoy the time you have now!


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